Books I'm Currently Reading :
1. Serial Killer Timelines : Illustrated Accounts of the World's Most Gruesome Murders (Dr. Chris McNab)
I'm not exactly sure how my fascination with serial killers sterted.....or more specifically, my fascination with sexual sadism, sex crimes and psychotic killers. I was probably around 14 years old, watching a show on Discovery channel called Medical Detectives, and sometimes New Dedtectives. This was before the massive explosion of CSI into Astro & mainstream television. It was basically how they solved a string of murders; from the discovery of victime, to police work, forensics, arrest & trial. The i started watching more crime shows like CSI and Law & Order, but my real favourite nowadays is Criminal MInds.
2. Play Guitar in 10 Easy Lessons (Jon Buck)
Many years I go, i had piano lessons. I never did complete it, and neither was I too fond of it. It was just something I couldn't relate to, but after being at it for so long I did learn to enjoy playing music. I didn't quite realize how much until i went to MRSM and my piano lessons stopped for good. One day, a friend and I discovered the piano in the school hall was unlocked and we started playing...and that was when I realize that playing a piano did provide me with some form of release. I had to learn that lesson once again a few weeks ago. As a teen I did fantasize about becoming a drummer or a rock guitarist but this time, I decided to give guitar a go. I needed an artful outlet...and music is more practical than theatre/drama; and the guitar is more portable than the piano or drums. Not to mentioned that i discovered this really cool Grammer guitar in the closet back when I moved into my grandma's house.
3. The Secret (Rhonda Byrne)
I got curious! Plus i think the cover looks really nice. I thought it was rather expensive, until I found a copu in a book sale. I've really just cracked the foreword; now let's just hope I finish it.
Books I Want To Get :
1. The 48 Laws of Power (Robers Greene, Joost Elffers)
Just reading the title itself sounds so powerful. I might just get the concise version thought, I really don't like thick books...which is the ONLY reason why I didnt read Harry Potter books 5-8 and the Twilight series.
2. Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs (Zahi Hawass)
I think i've already mentioned about my fascination with ancient Egypt and a bit on Dr. Zahi Hawass in a previous post about travelling. When i saw this book, i didn't have much cash on me and was amazed at how affordable it wass : again, I found it in a discount book store. This book is also the official National Geographic guide to the exhibits of the Cairo i guess I doubt there is another book out there more fitting than this to satisfy my academic curiosity as well as prepare me for my eventual tour of Egypt.
3. How to be a Domestic Goddess (Nigella Lawson)
Actually, I'm drawn to a lot of her books but I think this one will be a good start. I just like her style whenever I manage to catch her show on tv. It looks simple & manageable enough, with modifications of course...She was the reason I became less anxious/afraid of the kitchen & learning to cook.
4. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
Just dad read it, reccommended it. He recommended the Da Vinci Code to me and I enjoyed it. This book is real famous, I'm not surprised if it turns out to be a classic in future... Numerous awards, stuff like that. I don't read much to know about authors and must-reads.
5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)
Never to late to improve yourself....especially when you spend most of the time dreading your day, procrastinating your tasks and living in dreams of a different life. I have to wonder what I am doing wrong, and how to make the best out of it. Before starting Form 3, i did read a motivational book about PMR and i think it did help me at the time...and in that sense, I am long overdue for a motivation seminar of sorts. Let's hope this works!
Books I Have and Should Read/Finish First :
1. Online Killers : Portraits of Murderers, Cannibals and Sex Predators Who Stalked The Web for Thier Victims (Christopher Berry-Dee, Steven Morris)
2. The Last Lecture (Randy Pausch)
3. Life of Pi (Yann Martel)
4. Tafsir Al-Quran
5. The Other Malaysia (Dr. Farish Noor)
Things I Wish I Could Read Up on :
1. Spa & Massage
2. World History
3. Psychology
4. Beauty
5. Religion & Religious History
6. Cooking & World Cuisine
7. Crime & Punishment
8. Rock & Roll
9. Geology & Gemstones
10. Self-help & Motivation
Office Decor Update & Making Slime | Tanya Burr
7 years ago
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