The first time i heard about Sex Education was in Form 2, where it was the topic for our class debate and i was in the opposition team. It was meant to be for our English class, among fellow classmates; but since we had that class in front of the school co-op (it was more spacious, so we could arrange chairs & tables to get a better 'feel' of debate) i got rebuttals from Form 4 and Form 5 students...SCHOOL DEBATERS mind you (who were apparently frustrated because they just lost a debate) leaving me flustered, confused & tongue tied so our teacher finally stepped in. rather unfair for a first-timer, dont you think? either way i don't think it affected my assessment so much.
Anyway. Why Sex Ed? Is it really necesary? To be honest i dont really care if they implement it or not. However, since i generally dislike sex out of wedlock & promiscuous behaviour, and unfortunately some go about it like we live in caves (i.e. no choice, no contraception, no restrictions, no-knowledge-just-urges, no rules) i think it becomes necessary to educate and break the apparent naivete.
OK. To Sex Ed or Not To Sex Ed. From newspapers & blog comments i see most people debate on that. I'm more interested as to what they MEAN by sex-ed, and the fact that if improperly implemented there could be potential misuse by perverted teachers. So to be frank, i think the best people to teach sex education are doctors, nurses, trained teachers (include some open-minded ustaz/ustazahs/religious leaders if any)...basically anyone who is trained and capable of talking about sex academically, objectively, and clinically.
Sex ed is NOT teaching people how to have sex (i.e. cuddle & kiss for how long then do this and do that here or there). Sex ed is about sexual behaviour, consequences/products of sex, and prevention.
So, here is my suggected scope for sex education.
1) Primary Sex Education : probably for high school students
-normal human sexual development (from in utero, puberty, sexual maturity and regression)
-sexual anatomy (male and female)
-views on sex and its role/practise by different cultures & religions (preferably worldwide...include current malaysian law)
-sexually transmitted disease
-pregnancy, abstinence & contraception (i'm talking hard core contraception including implants, tubal ligations and vasectomies...not just condoms & pills)
2) Secondary Sex Education : matriculation/A-level/university, maybe?
-the differences between gender and sex (gender roles, gender identity, sexual identity, transexualism)
-sexual preferences (homo/bi/heterosexuality)
-sexual harrassment & the law
-family & relationships (responsibility, maturity, infidelity, polygamy)
-psychology (body image, self-awareness & empowerment)
3) Tertiery Sex Education : optional, for sexually active individuals (hopefully married)
-the Kama Sutra & enhancing sexual pleasures
-non-conventional practices (S&M, swinging, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, rape, etc)
-overcoming common sexual problems (performance anxieties, erectile dysfunction, painful intercourse, etc)
what do you think?
Office Decor Update & Making Slime | Tanya Burr
7 years ago
app utvikling
ReplyDeleteI januar 2012 startet jeg Appsonite AS og senere på året sa jeg opp min faste jobb. Jeg har nå laget rundt 50-60 apper. 30 av disse er i egen portefølje. Jeg har hatt flere topp 10 apper i Norge, og har siden starten lært uhorvelig mye om hva som fungerer og hva som ikke fungerer i app store.
Jeg har nå et team på 3-4 personer som hjelper meg å designe og utvikle apper. Disse har jobbet med meg nesten fra starten. Vi har nå godt innarbeidede rutiner og vet hva som fungerer.
Mange ganger har jeg hørt folk si at alle apper er jo laget. Er det behov for flere? Det var de samme som sa at alt var gjort på internett i 2003, så kom Facebook, Youtube..etc. Vi er nok enda bare i starten på mobil applikasjoner og bruken av dem.
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