Last week my article was published on the blogsite Unscientific Malaysia. Here's the link You can find the original article in my blog archive, January 2010
I submitted that blog post to the administrators because the discussions on UnMsia's Facebook page at the time was going a lot into gay/LGBT issues and thought it would be a good idea to share. So imagine my surprise when they responded and decided to publish it. I mean, i am nobody...just another girl with a blog.
When the article came out, i was practically jumping up and down with excitement. I went to check it out for myself & nearly had a heart attack : there was a comment by Marina Mahathir. There it was, one of the earliest comments. I was stunned. Marina Mahathir commented on something I wrote, not the other way around!!! Once the initial shock wore off, i was elated and proceeded to forward the link to my friends, my mother, my sister... At that moment i felt like a kid showing-off her artwork, and was so happy for the support from friends.
That was then.
Obviously i followed my article closely. Now there are many more comments, and a significant proportion of them negative, with non-helpful criticism. Some responded emotionally, convinced i have no idea what i'm talking about, or that i am so far away from actually understanding the issue. The comments on the Facebook page are a lot harsher, some telling me to "shut the fuck up" .
Even my comments attempting to clear misunderstandings or misconception regarding statements within the article were met with 'dislikes'. Basically all the bad comments were just one step short of name-calling or branding me a 'disgrace'. They refuse to accept my clarifications of the article, that it wasnt meant to be a scientific/research article thus was written based on observation, brief reading, and knowledge at hand. They dont see the fact that i am not writing as an activist, a sympathiser, an opposer, or as an individual with 'experience' (i.e, a transexual or a family member or someone living with a transexual)...heck they even questioned when i say i'm on the fence.
Seriously. If i had wrote the article as a Professor of Gender Studies or Sociology and had made those errors in my article, then yes, feel free to crucify me, i'd deserve it. Don't punish a 10-year old for not being able to do PMR level quadratics.
The 'up' side to my article was that there were transexual women who read it, and they did not condemn me except for my haphazard teminology. I appreciate them sharing their stories, and they were not like the stereotypes i wrote about. The problem with trying to reach out to the marginalized or 'frowned upon' population is that they get so defensive; i faced similar criticism when i interviewed drug addicts at the Pusat Serenti. They disregard the fact that i had CHOSEN be there & learn about them; instead some condemn me for being skeptical about trusting drug addicts. Instead of showing me why & how they can be trusted, this guy just confronted & lectured me on MY 'sincerity' and motives. Same with these transexual sympathisers (like i said, the trans women were actually receptive) chose to laugh at my 'ignorance', express their appalled-ness over my lack of 'initiative' and 'understanding'.
You know what's sad? my mum & sis haven't even seen my article. never mind reading or commenting, they haven't even looked at it.
Why is my title 'Discouraged'? Well, i've told u about UnMsia's Facebook page. I debate there a lot, and unfortunately i always find myself having to speak about Islam because of the blatant condemnation & apparent misinterpretation by the anti-Islam and left-wing liberatarians. all i do is put out facts that i know. and instead of taking the facts, they question my understanding, my interpretation, my motives, my knowlegde and accuse me of pick-n-choose Islamic teachings as well as manipulating Islam to prove my point. Mind you, i dont even quote the Quran or Hadith and i make it a point never to do so unless talking to other Muslims.
Debating there was my outlet when stressed : it channels my aggression to something more useful; helps take the edge off. Instead of creating drama or picking fights with friends/family, i 'fight' about topics, issues, and causes. Just as what happened with my article, i now spend more time clarifying & justifying the points i put out; with no help from fellow members or friends.
My once source of stress release has turned into my source of stress. I guess it is time stop & move on to something else.
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