I am just fuming. This topic has got me all riled up in a bunch. Oh, I don't know, maybe because it most likely concerns my generation, people in my age group? The many comments i've read about this topic is actually the fan to my fire.
Its not my intention to mimick Dr. Mahathir's blog style, but i need my thoughts in order
1. I am against pre-marital sex. I do think it showcases loose morals and irresponsible behaviour on both sides.
2.It is not something intrinsic of the East...it is not advocated in any religion i know. Blame the media or whatnot; it is only practised by a certain bunch of 'liberal' Americans (ie, the MTV or any form of protesting bunch which happen to get most of the airtime) and European countries, where ignorant young people compare the age of losing their virginity.... thanks to that UK has the highest incidence of teenage pregnancy. Is that really something to be proud of? Is that really 'modern' & 'progressive'? Sounds like young African tribal brides to me.
3. Most of the idiots i know who 'terlanjur' (i hate this term coz who on earth can 'accidentaly' have sex? its a lot of effort man!) usually i hear they cry after their 1st time coz of shame, 'regret', because 'it just happened' (yeah right...)...then ignore their conscience do it again & again because 'it doesnt matter anymore now that virginity is lost' and 'alang-alang'...and of course, who can deny the pleasures of sex? Now, their initial reaction of self-realization n regret MAY be described as the feeling of 'insaf'...judging by the events that followed, is it really?
4. Having said about 'insaf', lets talk about the caning of women issue. Look, i am not a die-hard fan of caning, neither am I a religious extremist, but what the hell is the big deal? Why on earth are you arguing on basis of women's rights and what nots....Men have been caned for ages and when its time for women to get cained u claim injustice... You want gender equality, you gotta take it as a whole...not 'selectively' when it suits you, you bigot. You get same jobs as the men, same opportunity as the men, same punishment as the men.
5. From what i know Shariah caning is different than the usual caning we see : the graphic images of the buttock skin torn from the many lashes revealing the angry bleeding red flesh underneath. Shariah caning is not like that. For one thing, you have clothes on. Second, it is not meant to cause permanent injury. Third, they dont use big scary rotans. Fourth, they dont ask a huge masked burly man to smack the life outta you
6. If someone is a Muslim, it is only logic to assume that they KNOW the do's & don'ts...so please dont act surprised when authorities say what you do is wrong especially when you are guilty / caught in the act (making out, consuming alcohol, lying through your teeth)...and especially, dont even bother covering it up or say it is unjust. With that, i'd like to express my respect to Kartika, because she did not petition against her punishment; she accepted that she has done wrong and deserves her sentence. It shows she is not ignorant, and that she is a woman who has self-respect.
7. Having said that, i think it is pointless for these 'raids' by Jabatan Agama Islam.... There are a lot more pressing issues to be dealth with, like ajaran sesat, high corruption, public education, reforming the eduation of Islam for the benefit of younger generations. Moral/akhlak issues are between a person and his/her immediate environment....their family, friends, teachers. It all starts from waaay back when
8. I am an advocate of educating & councelling. As i've said, premarital sex or casual sex or extramarital sex is all a reflection of loose morals...which begs the question of their upbringing. Parents should really educate their kids about the true value of sex...it is incredibly sad to see people being punished for their natural God-given urges. Or are the parents themselves behaving like reckless teenagers in heat, with their own porn stash and extra-marital affairs?
I guess that's sufficient for my 'lepas geram'. Let's all work & pray for a better future.
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